Dear Friends,

I’ve been working on inspiring others for years, journaling, traveling and interviewing people, making videos and podcasts, and writing about gratitude, and now, I’m constructing an anthology. My anthology is theme specific. It’s all essays and letters about gratitude.

As you know, anthologies provide excellent opportunities for readers and writers to connect. I’m sharing this because I think it will help anyone who would like to contribute and get published and/or anyone who would be interested in being a part of this project.

My goal is to collect essays / letters of gratitude in these eight categories:

1. a lesson learned and the person who taught you the lesson

2. a thing/object you’re grateful for and the story behind it

3. something that was a struggle before and that you are grateful for now thanks to how you reacted to the struggle based on your perception, perspective, and choice

4. letter to a person who has died

5. things that others take for granted that you now have and are grateful for

6. things that you’ve been taking for granted that you’ve now become grateful for

7. pets you’re grateful for

8. someone from your past you’re grateful for and haven’t expressed gratitude to

If you would like to participate, please know that…

– the deadline for submission is September 15, 2020

– you can use a pen name instead of your name

– you can add a bio (up to 250 characters) at the end of your letter or essay, but website addresses and links are not allowed

– a letter and/or essay must be between 100 words and 1,000 words

– you can submit as many essays and letters as you want

– you can submit essays or letters in as many categories as you want

– it’s free – you don’t pay, and you won’t be paid if/when your letter(s) and/or essay(s) get published

– you will be notified whether or not your letter and/or essay was selected by October 15, 2020

– your submission must be original and unpublished

– you will give your permission for your essay and/or letter to be published